Szewchuk & Associates

Why hire us?

  • Bring temporary or ongoing expertise that supplements, not supplants, your existing staff. This knowledge can be transferred to your existing staff for their ongoing benefit.
  • Obtain experience that you don’t have and to deliver results that you might otherwise not be able to afford fulltime.
  • Bring in the ‘external expert’ who can introduce new and specialized skills, techniques and knowledge from other industries.
  • Provide a fresh and objective viewpoint to a problem or opportunity.
  • Have access to an individual who knows the best places to look and the right questions to ask.
Our Expertise
  • Reduce purchase costs to improve your profitability.
  • Accelerate the timeliness of cost reduction initiatives, thus increasing the ‘speed to savings’.
  • Provide price ‘bench marking expertise’ that would not be available internally.
  • Cost reduction, quality and service improvements are usually immediate and transparent.
  • Typically a high ROI on the cost of using an experienced purchasing consultant.
  • Skills, tools and techniques can be adapted by existing staff for use in future strategic sourcing and negotiating activities.

Self Diagnostic Tool

Self Diagnosis

You may wish to take a few minutes to ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your existing purchasing staff spend more time on replenishment and keeping the business running activities than they do on strategic sourcing and cost reduction?
  • Is the purchasing responsibility for certain key categories assigned to resources in your operations or administration group rather than to professional purchasers?
  • Does your company manage the purchases of large dollar volume categories well but leaves the smaller dollar volume purchases unmanaged?
  • Are you aware of cost reduction opportunities within your organization that you do not have the time, knowledge or resources to action?
  • Do you have two or more locations that have not fully leveraged their common purchases?
  • Do you feel that you have not maximized opportunities related to movement in the dollar?

If your answer is YES to any of these questions, then we can help